Raw XML-JS representation of CoT
Add a given Dest tag to a CoT
connection: {Returns or sets the Callsign of the CoT
callsign: stringDetermines if the CoT message represents an Airborne Element
Determines if the CoT message represents an Assumed Element
Determines if the CoT message represents an Element
Determines if the CoT message represents a Chat Message
Determines if the CoT message represents Equipment
Determines if the CoT message represents a Faker Element
Determines if the CoT message represents a Friendly Element
Determines if the CoT message represents a Ground Element
Determines if the CoT message represents a Hostile Element
Determines if the CoT message represents an Installation
Determines if the CoT message represents a Joker Element
Determines if the CoT message represents a Neutral Element
Determines if the CoT message represents a Pending Element
Determines if the CoT message represents a Subsurface Element
Determines if the CoT message represents a Surface Element
Determines if the CoT message represents a Suspect Element
Determines if the CoT message represents a Tasking Message
Determines if the CoT message represents a UAV Element
Determines if the CoT message represents a Unknown Element
Determines if the CoT message represents a Vehicle
Detect difference between CoT messages Note: This diffs based on GeoJSON Representation of message So if unknown properties are present they will be excluded from the diff
position: number[]Optional
sensor: {Return a GeoJSON Feature from an XML CoT message
Return an ATAK Compliant Protobuf
Returns or sets the UID of the CoT
uid: stringStatic
from_Return an CoT Message given a GeoJSON Feature
GeoJSON Point Feature
from_Parse an ATAK compliant Protobuf to a JS Object
pingReturn a CoT Message
Convert to and from an XML CoT message
Param: cot
A string/buffer containing the XML representation or the xml-js object tree